Whale Shark Safari

" Rhincodon typus" whale shark is known as one of the biggest fishes on earth. It can measure up to 15 meters long although most vary between 4 and 12 meters. "

It is a sea giant that usually feeds on plancton and krill, occasionnally on small shellfishes and fishes. It filters water with food and expulses it afterwards. The shark whale can swallow up to one ton of food a day. It is ovoviviparous as certain specieses of whales (nurse shark). The fœtus grows in an egg and leaves it before being delivered. The mother can hold up to 300 eggs.

Shark whales migrate on long distances searching for lots of plancton in temperate and warm waters. They can cover thousands of kilometers in a few weeks or months time.

The only known predators are orcs and man. Its flesh and fins are very much sought after by Chinease using dreadful hunting methods. From october to december Safari Baleine gives you the chance to swim with them, wiwth only a mask and a snorkel ! They are quite calm and friendly to man and they usually swim near the surface. Getting in the water with them is an unforgettable moment, accessible to everyone.

Safari Baleine is involved in whale-sharks protection We took part to the writing of the chart of approach with Madagascar Whale Shark Project et Mada Megafauna. We also participate to the research about the animal by welcoming a volunteer programm to collect data.

To know more about our participation to the scientific programm.

Program :

Our safaris is led by a english speaking guide specialized in animals watching, and an experienced skipper.

8h00 Departure from the Safari Baleine office or your hotel.

8h30 -12h00 Briefing, search and swim with whale sharks.

12h30 Arrival at Nosy Sakatia and lunch on the beach.

13h00-15h00 Snorkeling with the giant green turtles, walk on the island.

16h30 Arrival at the Safari Baleine office or your hotel.

Other species you could see :

Baleines à bosse

Humpback whale

Until october, we have the chance to witness the magnificent parades of the humpbacks which came to breed and give birth to their calve in the warm water of the bay.



At large in group of several animals, our ashore in small families, you will surely have the chance to come across humpback, spinner or bottlenose dolphins.

Rorqual d'Omura

Omura whale

Species of sedentary tropical whale discovered in 2003. Observable throughout the year in the bay, it is discreet, small and sometimes accompanied by its young.

Raies Mobulas


Attracted by krill currents, this pelagic species comes to perform its ballet near the surface. 2 species: smaller mobula rays moving in groups of dozen individuals and oceanic manta rays...



In the water of the bay lives the second biggest marine turtle... the green turtle. You will assurely see some swimming in the blue or feeding at the bottom.

  • Price :

  • 75 / People *
    • -30% for children under 12 years old.
    • Transportation, search and observation of animals.
    • Meal and springwater filtered.
    • Snorkeling equipment.
    • 10 €/people for transfer outside Ampangorina.
    • Safari Baleine donates 1,50 € for the NGO AKIBA in Nosy Komba.
  • Book this Safari

(*) We offer discount starting from 2 excursions contactez-nous. Private boat 4 people max = 600€.