Whale Safari
" Between August and November a spectacular show is given whereby whales perform magnificent sexual parades. In the Antartic ocean, humpback whales feed on krill during austral summer months and then move thousands of kilometers away towards warm tropical waters of Nosy Be bay to breed and deliver. "
Groups of males gather around a female and compete for hours. They try to seduce with jumps, hits with flippers and tail fins, assaults, raising above water and songs.
We may witness moving scenes between mother and offspring. Time for raising starts in our area. You may be fortunate to hear a male singing, which can be heard miles around.
Safari Baleine proposes day trips to enjoy the beautiful and moving sight of these sea giants, in due respect of basic rules for watching without disturbing animals.
Omura Whale :
This rorqual was identified as a new species in 2003 by a japanese scientist team. Its presence in the waters of Nosy Be was officialy confirmed by the World Conservation Society in 2015... !
These shy whales rarely show their tail fins. Well stretched they may be 10 to 15 meters long and weigh between 15 and 20 tons.
It is one of the rare specieses not migrating to cold waters for food.
They adapt their feeding habit to eat krill and plancton as well as small fishes and planctonic shellfishes.
Bryde rorqual breeds in warm waters with a one year long gestation. We might have the chance to see them around in the Nosy Be bay either alone or with an offspring, mouth open swallowing banks of plancton or small fishes.

Program :
Our safaris is led by a english speaking guide specialized in animals watching, and an experienced skipper.
We can also organize this safari with lunch on Nosy Sakatia contact-us
Other species you could see :

Price :
- 80 € / People *
(*) We offer discount starting from 2 excursions contact-us. Private boat 4 people max = 640€.